People with disabilities still experience high levels of social exclusion, unemployment, discrimination and poverty, and many are educationally disadvantaged. Advocacy aims to highlight issues affecting disabled people in their everyday lives and their capacity and right to participate fully and equally in society. Those dedicated to advocacy on behalf of the disabled in Ireland aim to pool resources, knowledge and experience in order to lobby those in power to improve the lives of people with disabilities.

The Disabled Drivers Association of Ireland plays a vital advocacy role in highlighting the issues which affect all its members. Listed below are some of the organisations/Government Departments the DDAI have advocated to on behalf of its members:

  • EU Parking permit issues
  • Revenue Commissioners
  • Local Authorities
  • Department of Transport
  • Department of Finance
  • Road Safety Authority
  • National Roads Authority
  • National Standards Authority of Ireland
  • Toll Bridges
  • Motor Insurance issues on behalf of individual members

In some cases the DDAI makes an input into general legislation, policy or procedure. In others it advocates on behalf of individuals, often with significant material effect. Our core expertise is in the area of transport and mobility but it is not the limit of our interest and advocacy. With equality, human rights and dignity still at the forefront of the disability agenda, advocacy is an evolving process. The DDAI will continue in its efforts to apply its experience and expertise to improve the lives of all its members.