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If you are travelling abroad in your own vehicle and are on your own (or even if you are with someone) paying tolls can be a problem as you are in a right had drive vehicle. A Tollbird box works on all highways in Italy, France, Spain and Portugal. Once you pass a tolling plaza, your box will beep and the barrier opens for you.
Survey reveals nearly 40% of respondents who are blind or vision impaired have been injured by footpath obstacles as Clear Our Paths campaign launches.
A new survey conducted among NCBI service users has revealed that approximately 40% of respondents, who are blind or vision impaired, have been injured because of unexpected obstacles or hazards on our footpaths. The survey results come as NCBI today launches its annual Clear Our Paths campaign.
The Department of Employment Affairs and Social Protection
have arange of measures to provide income support to
people affected by COVID-19 (Coronavirus).
Follow this link http://bit.ly/2QrodQI
***NEW*** dlr SpaceFinder App provides real-time updates on Accessible Parking Spaces in Dún Laoghaire. Great to see the spacefinder app expanding, coming to a town or city near you. Search dlr spacefinder in the app store or the Apple store.
The issuing of primary medical certificates for disabled drivers and passengers has been suspended due to a court decision in June.
Confirmation has been made in a written reply from the Minister for Finance Paschal Donohoe to Independent TD Denis Naughten.
Wednesday 11th November in the Oireachtas.
Question: Richard O'Donoghue (Limerick County, Independent)
First, for people who qualified for a primary medical certificate before the Supreme Court judgment in June of this year and who are upgrading their vehicles, are they still entitled to the VRT payment or has that been restricted? Second, with regard to the cost of the Supreme Court judgment, has it cleared the backlog of people waiting for their primary medical certificates?
MORE THAN 1,000 disabled people who were refused access to a scheme for claiming tax relief of up to €48,000 on specially adapted cars have been told they have no recourse to an appeal system to try and get the decisions reversed.
The backlog arose following the resignation of the entire Disabled Drivers Medical Board of Appeal in November 2021.
Tuesday 20th June 2023
The Disabled Drivers Association welcomes the news that the Minister for Finance Michael McGrath, TD has signed regulations that establishes a fourth category of reliefs in the Disabled Drivers and Disabled Passengers Scheme, for people with disabilities who require complex and significant adaptions to their vehicles to enable in-vehicle wheelchair access.
A small bit of relief from worry in the Finance Bill for those, who continued and still continue to be in receipt of Mobility Allowance after the scheme was suspended in 2013. With the suspension of the scheme there existed a technical liability for income tax in respect of these payments. An amendment has been passed in the Finance Bill exempting past and future payments from income tax liability. In the amendment debate, Minister Donohue, described the provision as follows;