Our address:
General Contact
Parking Permit Contact
Nitrogen Oxide (NOx) Emission Levy
IMPORTANT: If a vehicle is exempt under the Disabled Drivers & Passengers Tax Relief Scheme, the NOx is included in the exemption. If NOx has been paid there will be refund given shortly.
A man who lost his arm in a motorbike accident has been told he does not qualify for the Disabled Drivers Scheme.
38-year-old David Digan from Moate in County Westmeath was lucky to survive a motorcycle crash in May 2019 and has since had to abandon his career as a commercial diver.
Read more: Amputee refused access to Disabled Drivers scheme | Newstalk
In the 2nd episode Richard Ryder talks to DDAI Member Nikki Bradley, motivational speaker, adaptive adventurer and disability activist – Nikki was diagnosed with a rare form of bone cancer called Ewings Sarcoma when you were 16 years old.
As of February 2020, disabled drivers and disabled passengers whose vehicles are tax exempt under the drivers and passengers with disabilities tax relief scheme are exempt from tolls on each toll road in the state.
The DDAI have launched a new podcast called 'My Driving Force' - about what Drives People to reach their goals and achieve their full potential in life. In this series we will be talking to DDAI Members and friends about what is their Driving Force in Life.
As a disabled driver or passenger purchasing an Electric Vehicle (EV) you can claim the SEAI (Sustainable Energy Authority Ireland) grant independent of any other tax benefit you may receive.
The maximum grant available is €5,000 – for further information on the level of grants available please visit www.seai.ie
The Society for Accessible Travel & Hospitality (SATH) bring together national and international organizations of and for persons with disabilities and those organizations providing services to travelers with disabilities and seniors to work on the issues affecting the quality of their life.
New Date DDAI 50th AGM
The DDAI AGM will take place on Wednesday 7th October at 5pm. This years AGM will be on online event only. To register for the Webinar please login to the member area of the DDAI website.
It is with great sadness that we announce the passing of Derek Farrell RIP. Derek was the CEO of the DDAI for 17 years and was a member the board of directors until his retirement in 2019. Derek's involvement with the DDAI spanned 31 years and he has left an indelible stamp on the organisation. He will be sadly missed. https://rip.ie/death-no…/derek-farrell-caragh-kildare/415608