Where they require adaptations to enable them to return / continue driving they should contact their licensing authority to ascertain whether the licence requires coding so that the licence corresponds with the adaptations.
Before return to driving following illness or accident affecting ability, approval from a medical practitioner should be sought. The terms of the driver’s insurance policy may require this.
Car Insurance
The Insurance Federation Of Ireland And Insurance Information insists that disabled drivers are not charged extra based on their disability. Under the Equality Act, insurers should quote insurance based on statistically proven risk factors and the drivers individual record. If you have difficulty obtaining vehicle insurance you should contact the Insurance Federation Of Ireland And Insurance Information, Insurance House, Molesworth Street, Dublin 2, Tel: 01 676 1820 or visit www.iif.ie.
The advice is to shop around for the best quotes. If you are returning/continuing driving having acquired a disability/illness you must inform your insurance company of the changes in your health.