Have difficulty getting up from a seat
This is very common, particularly as cars have got lower over the years. You may be able to lower yourself down onto a low seat, but getting up again can be a strain.
Look for
- A seat that is the right height from the ground, but remember that this will be different when you are parked against a kerb
- A height adjustable seat may help
- A grab handle above the seat may be useful. Otherwise look for convenient places to hold on to
Transfer from your wheelchair
Many people look for a car seat that is the same height as their wheelchair seat so that they can slide across on the level. Others prefer the car seat to be lower or higher than the wheelchair. Some people slide across without equipment while others use a transfer board.
Look for
- Your preferred height of seat - remember to allow for kerbs
- A car with a seat that is close enough to the side of the car, to minimise the gap you have to cross
- A door that opens far enough to get the wheelchair in the right position
- A door without pockets that protrude and stop you getting near the car seat
Can't bend your upper body
Look for
- A car with a high door
- A door opening that does not slope too steeply
- A wide door also may help
Use sticks
Some people find it convenient to put sticks between the seat and the side of the car.
Look for
- Seats that give your room to do this